About Minerva


Visit me and my other fairies here:
My UK fairy/fairies: Minerva, Echo Starsong (she’s a garden talent now), Stella
My AU fairy/fairies: Melody Starwish, who is modeled after Minerva’s cousin, Melody, Trinity EveningsongMinerva


Fairy’s name: Minerva (Duh)

D-Name: AthenaGrace; there’s a whole story to my D-Name, but I’ll save it for another time 😉

Fun Fact: My name, Minerva, was chosen from my love for Greek mythology. My one regret was that there was no Athena on that list of name choices…. ._.

Friends: I have so many friends that I can’t name them all.

Best Friends: All my blogging pals (Sap, Crystal, Marigold..), Cypress Prettygust, Harmony, Sienna, and a bunch of pixies I could name but don’t have the space to.

Fairy’s level (Before PH closed): 28, oh yeah. I finished it all 🙂

Fairy’s talent: Water talents rule!

Mentor: Silvermist and I were best friends, what can I say?

Troop: Otter of course 😉

Arrival date: December 27, 2011 (5 days before 2012, 2 days after Christmas. I think I picked a pretty good date)

Pet: … I had practically every pet. But I’m going to go with my purple butterfly 🙂

Pet’s name: Wish, short for Wishful Thinking

Favorite color: Starry white, It’s like an offset, pearly white shade

Favorite food: Petit fours. They’re French, fancy, and awesome.

Favorite animal: Dove; they’re gorgeous

Favorite flower: Curcuma (One of my favorite dresses is named after it)

Likes: Making friends

Dislikes: Bad hair days

Fears: What really creeps me out are worms, when they come out when it rains. I don’t even know why, but it creeps me out for some reason. My other fear is improper grammar 😛 No really! Haha, I meant uh, my other fear is of really, really confined spaces

Favorite shop\s: You can’t expect me to choose just one! But if I had to pick, I guess it would be Summit Style, with Daisy’s Dyes and Queen’s Boutique coming in close second 🙂

Favorite badge: Geez, where did you get this stuff! Even I don’t know that much stuff about myself! I’m kidding, it was Yearling for the longest time, but I guess I’m officially two years old now.. So I guess it’s Second Year Fairy ❤

Favorite meadow\s: Dewdrop Vale because it was so pretty ❤

Favorite game\s: I loved them all; what can I say? I especially liked Animal Derby because I could play with all my friends though 🙂

Favorite event\s: Which event did I love? The End-of-Summer Sparkler was fantastic, but I also loved the Great Winter Light-Up! Oh and the Spring Celebration, oh the clovers! I loved them all.. But I loved the Summer Sparkler and Winter Light-Up since the meadows were soo pretty… ❤


Check out my blog here.



Email me at: minervagracefaerie@gmail.com